摘录:老练英语算作一门老练环球课杨幂 丝袜,固然众人王人学了英语十几年,却仍平素有总分过线挂在英语上的情况,因此英语温习不只单是单词、作念题。阅读算作老练英语的大头,只是作念老练真题大约没法烦躁你的阅读量,因此帮帮之后会不定时推出一篇英文好意思文,这些著作王人与老练英语阅读同源,多读必有公正。 ►布景先容: 最近在中国热播的电视连结剧《王人挺好》在集聚上引起了热议,何况连结登上了微博的热搜。电视剧《王人挺好》叙述了一个中国度庭因里面矛盾而走向分裂的故事。这部电视剧也引起了《经济学东谈主》的式样,来望望《经济学东谈主》是怎么评价这部电视剧的。 A hit TV series in China skewers cranky old parents 一部在中国热播的电视连结剧讥嘲了秉性乖癖的老父母们 Defying the cult of filial piety thrills viewers 对堤防孝谈的叛逆令不雅众们兴奋不已 It is no mean feat to be one of the top-ten trending hashtagson Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, for 20 consecutive days and counting. “All is Well”, a show on provincial television which premiered on March 1st, has done just that. 连结20天成为微博(中国版的推特)十大热点话题之一并不是一件容易的事。3月1日,在省级电视台首播的电视连结剧《王人挺好》作念到了。 The show tells the story of a fictional Chinese family torn by internal conflict. The female protagonist, Su Mingyu, is barely on speaking terms with her widowed father and one of her two brothers. 这部电视剧叙述了一个捏造的中国度庭因里面矛盾而走向离散的故事。女主角苏明玉和她丧偶的父亲以及两个哥哥中的一个关系不和。 The father is a nagging crank who expects his two adult sons to bankroll his lavish tastes. This leads to constant bickering between the brothers, neither of whom wants to be called unfilial. 父亲是一个抉剔的怪老翁,他但愿两个成年的犬子能为他食日万钱的生涯买单。这导致两个昆玉之间争吵不休,他们两王人不想被披上不孝的外套。 Episodes of “All is Well” have been streamed more than 390m times. That exceeds the online viewership of the next most popular television series by 278m. From “The Simpsons” to “Game of Thrones”, dramas about bickering families are common in many countries. 《王人挺好》的剧集播放量依然疏淡3.9亿次。其在线收视率比排在第二的最受迎接的电视连结剧向上了2.78亿次。从《辛普森一家》到《权利的游戏》,对于家庭争论的电视剧在很多国度王人很常见。 But in China, the Communist Party prefers entertainment to be unchallenging. So the questioning of blind attachment to traditional values in “All is Well” is causing a stir. Viewers are transfixed by its rare portrayal of middle-class life, warts and all. 但在中国,文娱常常是不具挑战性的。因此,在电视剧《王人挺好》中,对盲目追求传统价值不雅的质疑引起了东谈主们的颤动。该剧对中产阶层荒废的写真(不管是纰谬照旧其他方面)让不雅众们感到震撼。 Many Chinese can relate to the Su family’s troubles. The daughter holds a grudge against her father, and especially against her late mother, for having mistreated her while pampering her brothers. 很多中国东谈主王人能健硕苏家的郁闷。女儿对父亲抱有归罪,对已故的母亲更是衔恨在心,因为母亲溺爱两位哥哥却对她相等尖刻。 As a child she was made to wash her brothers’ clothes. Her parents turned a blind eye when one of her brothers beat her. 当她照旧个孩子时杨幂 丝袜,就被动要给她的哥哥们洗穿戴。当一个哥哥打她时,她的父母却有眼无瞳。 For many female viewers born before 1979, when China introduced a one-child-per-couple policy (changed to two in 2016), such scenes have brought back painful memories. Some have used social media to share their own tales of sexism within the family. 对于很多1979年曩昔出身的女性不雅众来说,这些场景勾起了她们倒霉的回忆。有些东谈主通过酬酢媒体共享她们我方家庭中性别敌视的故事。 But the biggest reaction has been to the drama’s critique of filial piety. Even today, the Confucian principle of unswerving loyalty to one’s parents remainshallowed. Many people say the best measure of adherence to this virtue is whether a son takes good care of his parents in old age. 但最引起热议的是该剧对孝谈的批判。即使在今天,对父母一寸赤心的儒家念念想仍然是备受尊崇的。很多东谈主以为,估计一个东谈主是否谨守这一良习最佳的步调便是看他能否在父母年老时照看好他们。 A recent poll by Toutiao, a Chinese news app, found that 54% of elderly people in China get more than half of their expenses covered by their adult children. 当天头条(一款中国新闻哄骗)最近开展的一项拜访显现,中国有54%的老年东谈主一半以上的开销由其成年子女们承担。 Partly, no doubt, this is due to a patchy pensions system. But it also reflects a culture of “never saying no to your parents”, says an “All is Well” fan in Beijing. 毫无疑问,这在一定经由上是由于待业金体系不够完善所致。但来自北京的一位《王人挺好》的粉丝示意,这也反馈了一种“恒久不要对父母说不”的文化。 In the series, however, the widowed father does not attract much sympathy. He throws tantrums and insists that his eldest son buy him a three-bedroom apartment (the son grudgingly does so). 干系词在剧中,这位丧偶的父亲并莫得引起东谈主们太多的轸恤。他大发秉性,并坚捏让大犬子给他买一套三居室的公寓(固然犬子很不宁愿地买了)。 Commentators on social media have taken to calling the father a juying (“giant baby”)—a characteristic common among parents in real life, they say. The Su children do their duty, but the audience is supposed to applaud the resentment they express. 酬酢媒体上的评论者们依然把这位父亲称为“巨婴”——他们说这是实践生涯中的父母们所领有的一个共同的特征。苏家的孩子们尽到他们的职守了,但不雅众们照旧应该为他们所抒发的不悦而饱读掌。 There have been mixed reviews in state media. One newspaper said that the “realistic plot and acting” had touched the “pain points” of many viewers. 官方媒体对该剧的评论批驳不一。一家报纸写谈,“面临实践的情节和饰演”波及了很多不雅众的“痛点”。 Beijing Daily, however, said the drama was “unrealistic”. It said it caricaturedelderly parents by “unreasonably” ascribing “every possible bad quality” of old people to one character. 干系词,《北京日报》则称该剧是“不切内容的”。它写谈,该剧“辩认理地”把老年东谈主“可能领有的每一种坏罪责”集于一东谈主之身,以此来讥嘲年老的父母。 ►重难点词汇: filial piety 孝敬;孝心 premiere adj. 首位的;首次的;女主角的 vi. 首次公演;首次出头 vt. 首次公演;首次上演 n. 首次的上演;女主角 protagonist n. 主角,主演;主要东谈主物,率领者 bankroll vt. 提供资金;提供财务上的资助 n. 资金;金钱 pamper vt. 清高;使…过量;给…吃得过多 unswerving adj. 鉴定的;视死如归的;不歪的 hallowed adj. 结拜的,结拜化的 tantrum n. 发秉性;发怒 resentment n. 愤恨,归罪 caricature n. 漫画;讥嘲画;漫画手法 vt. 画成漫画讥嘲 ►帮帮教导:老练英语同源外刊好意思文赏读汇总
杨幂 丝袜 老练英语时文赏读(48):热播电视剧《王人挺好》激励中国网友热议
发布日期:2024-09-26 21:32 点击次数:196